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Does your gut need a reboot?

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

The health of your gut microbiome plays an important role in your overall health. When the number of harmful bacteria outweighs the number of friendly bacteria, an imbalance called dysbiosis can occur. This can then influence the development of chronic diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer.

Our gut microbiome consists of microbes that are both beneficial and potentially harmful. What we consume determines the health and diversity of our microbiome.

A typical Western diet that has little dietary fibre, with processed and packaged foods will starve your healthy gut bugs. Whereas a whole food diet with plenty of fresh in season vegetables, fruit, fibre will help your gut bugs to thrive.

Pre, Pro and Post biotics

Prebiotics are food for healthy gut microbes.

Probiotics are microbes with beneficial bacteria.

Postbiotics are compounds produced by gut microbes such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs).


The key to a healthy gut and postbiotics is eating adequate amounts of fibre from vegetables, whole grains, legumes, beans and nuts and seeds.

The recommended intake of daily fibre is 36g/day for men and 28g/ day for women.

Ideally, our daily fibre should come from whole foods as they also contain a wealth of vitamins, minerals, water and other nutrients.

Fibre-rich foods:

  • Wholegrain oats: 16.5 grams per cup

  • Kidney beans: 12.2 grams per cup of cooked beans

  • Chickpeas: 12.5 grams per cup of cooked chickpeas

  • Quinoa: 5.2 grams per cup of cooked quinoa.

  • Avocados: 1o grams in one cup of avocado

  • Pears: 5.5 grams in a medium sized pear

  • Apples: 4.4 grams in a medium sized raw apple.

  • Carrots: 3.6 grams in 1 cup of raw carrots.

  • Broccoli: 2.4 grams per cup.

Most soluble fibre is a great source of prebiotics. Soluble fibre passes through the small intestine to the large intestine where it is fermented by your gut microbes, producing short-chain fatty acids SCFAs. SCFAs make the gut more acidic (which is good), preventing the growth of harmful, inflammatory pathogenic bacteria (the bad guys).

If you feel you are not eating enough fibre, a prebiotic powder and probiotic supplement can give your gut bugs the boost they need.

Gut Reboot


  1. Prebiotic powder:224g. A highly soluble fibre that can be added to cold or hot beverages and foods. Low FODMAP. Directions: With any prebiotic fibre it is recommended to start low and slow. ½ tsp for a few days, building up to 2 tsp. after a couple of weeks.

  2. Probiotic supplement 30 capsules: helps maintain digestive health and wellbeing. Directions: one capsule after dinner.

$87 including postage.

Please complete the following online form to proceed with the gut protocol. All information is confidential.

The above is recommended for adults, for a gut protocol for children or for any further information please get in contact

Have a great day

Jules x


  1. Bulsiewica, W. (2022) 'Fiber Fueled.' Avery Publishing Group.

  2. Gunnars, K. (2022) 'High Fiber foods you should eat .' Healthline.

  3. Zhou, J. (2018) 'Rethinking fibre – all the benefits, none of the risks?' GI Motility Disorders Unit. Western Sydney University

Casuarina Holistic Health is conveniently located on the Tweed Coast between Kingscliff and Cabarita. Naturopathic consultations can either be in clinic at Casuarina or On line via zoom.


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